Frequently Asked Questions for Web Design Services

Q & A

If you have questions, we have answers for you.

What are all the services that you offer?

We are primarily a web design agency. We offer graphic design and brand management as supplementary services.

What types of web design projects do you take on?

At heart, we are problem solvers. That’s simply what we do. We take on web design projects such as:

  • Websites for mainstream and adult entertainers
  • Modeling portfolio websites
  • Brick-and-mortar businesses
  • Mainstream businesses started by adult entertainers
  • Hub websites for content creators
  • Informational and booking websites for lifestyle dom(me)s, swinger clubs, and more
  • Marketing sites for those that sell alcoholic beverages
  • Educational websites (that require online courses)
  • Online stores

In other words, if you have a service, content, or business you want to promote—mainstream or adult—please reach out to us.

Do you take on a lot of web design projects?

At this time, we take on 4 web design projects per month. We limit how many projects we take on so that we can provide the best personalized and bespoke experience we can offer to our clients.

How long does a project take?

For simple, straight-forward projects, the working timeline is roughly 1-2 weeks. For more complex projects that require additional features and other deliverables, that timeline may be extended.

While we try to work on things as quickly as possible, it is ultimately going to be determined by the scope of your needs, the number of stakeholders involved, and how fast we can receive necessary elements from you.

What is the process of working with you?

Working with Black Venom Digital is a simple, 6 step process:

  • First, we conduct an initial consultation and a needs assessment. This is typically a 30 minute phone call. We’ll discuss with your needs, goals, and the necessary scope of the project.
  • Next, we will give you a proposal and a quote based upon the needs assessment discussion. Your project will fall within one of our four web design packages.
  • Then, if you accept the proposal, you will be a given a checklist of all the elements that we will need for your project, whether it is copy (text), existing branding, links, photos, or videos. You will have 72 hours to gather everything that is needed as listed on the checklist, or else you will lose your project slot and will have to wait for the next available one.
  • After you confirm that you have everything on the checklist, we will take your deposit and begin working on the project.
  • Within the specified timeframe, you will then have another call with us where we will present to you a draft of the site. You will be given the opportunity to request revisions.
  • Finally, after you are completely satisfied with pre-launch version of the site project, we will collect your final payment and make the website live on the hosting of your choosing.

What is your deposit and payment policy?

For us to start on any project, you will have to pay an initial deposit.

  • For BRONZE plan websites, the minimum deposit is $500.
  • For SILVERGOLD, and PLATINUM websites, the minimum deposit is 50% of the plan.
  • The remainder of the project fees are due BEFORE we launch your website.

We do not accept deposits until you have confirmed that you have everything we requested on the checklist that we give you.

After you accept the terms of the proposal, you are given 72 hours to gather everything that is needed as listed on the checklist, or else you will lose your project slot and will have to wait for the next available one.

What is your website launching policy?

After you approve the site draft, we will collect your final payment. From there, you will have two options:

  • You can host your site with us (requires a Monthly Concierge Plan)
  • You can host the website on your own (through your own hosting provider)

The site will not be released to you until we receive final payment.

What is your Monthly Concierge Plan?

Our Monthly Concierge Plan is a service plan that we offer to clients that would like to have an ongoing relationship with Black Venom Digital. Depending on the plan that you select, we will offer:

  • Monthly website maintenance, management, and support
  • Monthly graphic design services for digital and printable marketing collateral
  • Monthly consultations

It is not mandatory to select a Monthly Concierge Plan but it is highly recommended. We will provide you details about our Monthly Concierge plans as part of the proposal that we submit to you. You will not have to make a decision on a Monthly Concierge plan until the project is completed. You can enroll into a plan at anytime so as long as your continuing to use the website that we built for you.

Do you offer brand management as a stand alone service?

Not at this time.

I currently have a website, and I don't need a new one, I just want mine fixed. Is this a service that you offer?

Not at this time.

contact web design agency

Take the first step to make your statement on the web

  • Get a Quote: Reach out for a free consultation and quote for your web design project.
  • Discuss Your Project: Let’s talk about your vision and how we can bring it to life with expert web design services.
  • Schedule a Call: Book a time to discuss your web design needs and explore how we can help your business grow online.

Let's Talk